#HelloYellow – Celebrating World Mental Health Day
Friday 9th October is World Mental Health Day which we will be celebrating for a second year in school.
Once again, we will be wearing a subtle splash of colour to say #helloyellow. Children will come to school in uniform as normal, but they can also wear something yellow, such as a bow, wristband, headband, socks, belt, bobble etc.
Now more than ever, it is important for us to support children to be mentally healthy and encourage them to consider their personal wellbeing Throughout the day, children will have an opportunity to talk about what mental health and wellbeing really means and why it is so important. All discussions and activities will be age appropriate. They will get involved with a range of fun, practical activities that all support personal wellbeing such as yoga, relaxation, meditation, mindfulness, art and exercise.
If you would like any more information about the #helloyellow campaign or ideas to use at home, please visit the Young Minds website at https://youngminds.org.uk/