D’Eyncourt Care Club


The Club is run by CLPT Primary Hub and exists to provide high quality out-of-school hours’ childcare for our parents. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.

The club operates from 8:00am – 8.45am and from 3.00pm – 5.30pm term time, and current costs for each session are as follows:

  • Before School Club £3.00 per day
  • After School Club £6.00 per day

All parents must complete a registration form for each child attending the club and sign an agreement to adhere to the terms of this policy.


  • Only children attending D’Eyncourt Primary School are eligible to attend
  • All places are subject to
  • The registration process must be completed prior to the child’s commencement at the
  • All parents will receive a paper copy of this policy and this policy is available to view via our school website.
  • Non contracted pupils are welcomed to use the club provided there are spaces and parents/carers have previously completed the registration process.
  • All club staff are made aware of the details of a new
  • Children’s attendance is recorded in a

Arrival and Departure

Breakfast Club:

  • Parent/Carer are required to bring their child directly to club and sign them in. You should enter the club via the junior gate and up to community hub door.
  • All club children will be taken to main school building and then escorted to their appropriate classroom at first school bell.

After School Club:

  • Collection of Infant & Junior Children will be by a member of the club staff from classroom or escorted to meet the club staff by a member of school staff.

The club staff will take a register of all contracted children and will liaise with the class teacher/school office to determine any reason why a child is not accounted for.


  • When a child is collected at the end of or during a session, they must be signed out by a parent/carer or named collector and the time
  • The parent/carer or named collector must inform a member of staff that they are collecting and signing out a
  • Parents/carers must ensure that any person who may collect their child is listed on the registration form and that it is kept fully up to
  • Parents must inform Club staff if their child is going to be absent from

Contact Details

  • If you need to contact the Club Leaders during Club hours, please telephone 07826392116

D’Eyncourt Care Club

We believe our D’Eyncourt Care Club provides an additional opportunity for our children to connect with learning and therefore, for us to make a difference. However, we also appreciate that children need time to relax and follow special interests at their own pace. In order to foster positive mental health we feel it is vital that we teach and provide opportunities for children to follow their own special interests. Therefore, we try to ensure that children have a choice of activities and allow them space to decide how to use their time in the session.

Planned activities for our children are linked to a theme. These themes are based upon topical events, values, curriculum themes or to special interests. Physical activity and access to quality age-appropriate texts is integrated into every session. Additionally, we include activities that encourage independence, such as cooking and online safety.

Please see below an example of our planned activities for Before and After School provision.

Daily Routine

Before School session:

  • 8:00 am children wishing to have breakfast wash their hands ready to enjoy breakfast.
  • Children participate in a range of activities.
  • 8:30 am tidy up time encouraging the children to take responsibility for the Club environment.
  • 8:40 am children collect their coats and bags. Both Infant and Junior children are escorted to their appropriate classrooms when the first bell goes.

Afternoon School session:

  • 3:00pm – children go to club, registration and child eats own snack
  • 3:15pm – 5.15pm Children can then choose from a range of play and planned activities, both indoors and outdoors.
  • 5:15 tidy up time encouraging the children to take responsibility for the Club environment.
  • 5:30pm parents/carer/appointed pick up person will collect child from the classroom.


Whilst attending Club children are expected to:

  • Use socially acceptable
  • Respect one another, accepting differences of race, gender, ability, age and
  • Choose and participate in a variety of
  • Ask for help if
  • Enjoy their time at the

Positive behaviour is encouraged by:

  • Staff acting as positive role
  • Praising appropriate
  • Sticker rewards.
  • Informing parents about individual

Dealing with inappropriate behaviour:

  • Challenging behaviour will be addressed in a calm, firm and positive
  • In the first instance, if necessary, the child will be temporarily removed from the
  • Staff will explain why the behaviour displayed is deemed
  • Staff will encourage and facilitate mediation between children to try to resolve conflicts through discussion and
  • Staff will consult with parents to formulate clear strategies for dealing with persistent inappropriate

If after consultation with parents and the implementation of behaviour management strategies, a child continues to display inappropriate behaviour, the Club may decide not to allow the child to attend. The reasons and processes involved will be clearly explained to the child and their parent/carer.

First Aid

  • All accidents will be recorded in the school accident book, accurately reported to the parents/carer upon collection and signed by a member of
  • Accident records must give details of; time, date and nature of the accident, details of the child involved, type and location of the injury, action taken, and by
  • All incidents are dealt with by a qualified first

Parents of any child who become unwell during Club will be contacted immediately. If a child is sent home during school hours, Club will be informed of their absence.

Missing or Uncollected children

Missing children

In the event that a child goes missing, the following procedure will be undertaken:

  • Senior school staff will be informed of the missing
  • Club supervisor will search the inside of the building and delegate an outside search of the building to another member of staff. If the child remains missing, the emergency services will be contacted.

Uncollected children

If a child has not been collected by 5:30pm parents will be contacted in the first instance by telephone. The additional contacts parents have provided will be telephoned in the second instance. If these contacts are unavailable after approximately 30 minutes, the police and Social Services will be informed.

A charge will be levied for late collection. A fee will be applied for late collection from 5:30pm onwards at £1 per minute per child. This charge will be added to the following month’s invoice.

Payment of Fees

Fees are to be paid in advance, and payment is due for all contracted sessions even if your child is unable to attend their booked session.

The parent signing the clubs’ registration form is known as the ‘contracting parent’ and is responsible for payment of all fees.

If a parent is experiencing difficulty with payment of their fees, they should contact the school office staff as soon as possible. Our staff will treat all matters confidentially and arrange for discussions in private.

It is possible to pay fees via SIMS Pay (we do not take cash or cheque).